Below are words of inspiration and a prayer from a client, Noreen. I liked this message and wanted to share with others. My hope is that reading this message brings you peace and encouragement during these uncertain times. Feel free to leave a comment of your thoughts.
"COVID 19: Coronavirus- What happens now since the virus has exposed itself?
Exposure opens up everything that was in hiding...what do you do once the secret it out?
Why do we hide things? The fear of someone finding out your deepest secret?
The Coronavirus has opened us up and exposed our deepest...which is fear. We can no longer live in fear. We have to recognize fear exists and how to channel in this fear.
Fear is a mental and/ or emotional reactions that arises when there is a real or perceived threat of harm.
When you surrender- you release control of your fear.
Ms. Iyanla Vanzant talks about on her show, "Fear Not..." on OWN Network. She says there are Three Basic Human Fears:
1) Fear of Nature- what it can or will do; weather- hurricane, tornado, tsunami
2) Fear of Unknown/ Fear of death- No control
3) Fear of Human Beings- Cannot predict what they will do. Fear of loved one's well being- Fear of them and for them.
People feeling helpless and powerless. And we are blaming the Coronavirus.
We have to find out what are we really afraid of...Fear teaches us to surrender.
James 4:7- Submit to God, resist the devil and he will flee
My prayer to all Americans and people all over the world dealing with the Coronavirus Pandemic:
Dear God,
First, I want to thank you for your grace and your mercy for us. Knowing that everything you do for us we do not deserve. We as a people have continued to turn our backs on you and not honor your will. But, My continue to protect us and be patient and loving to us when we continue to do wrong.
God, thank you so much for continued guidance and leaving us your Word to carry on your will. As we learn to give in and submit to you, life will be much easier for us. Allow us to see that choosing you is the better way and not is a longer ride to you. Thank you God for giving us choices and not judging us on what we choose. Instead you give us wisdom to carry each day's journey because you love us that much. Like a parent; you allow us to individually be. But, continue to give instructions on the true way.
As we go on each day during this pandemic, allow us to remember your word from James 4:7. As we submit we release control. We love you, God and thank you for loving us even when we find it hard to love each other.
Amen 🙏🏾"